Tactical Rapunzel lask.pak.20m khaki
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Tuotteelle ei ole suomenkielistä tuotetekstiä. Englanninkielinen tuoteteksti:
Tactical rappel kit for self-evacuation or lowering a protected person for the armed forces and law enforcement. The RAPUNZEL ANCHOR is suitable for versatile and flexible use, including as a door or window anchor, as a clamping anchor, e.g., in container corner fittings (DIN ISO 1161), or for grasping large, heavy items within a matter of seconds when combined with the prefabricated prusik sling.
The rappelling process can be precisely controlled thanks to the intuitive RAPUNZEL tuber. The TACTICAL RAP LINE PROTECT PRO 6MM rope made from high-strength polyamide and aramid offers enhanced cut resistance for safe use in unfamiliar urban terrain. The thin, light RAP LINE makes the kit extremely compact.
Far more than just a small gear bag: the RAPUNZEL BAG WITH ROPE PROTECTION truly shows its strengths when used as rope protection! Made from a durable blend of Hypalon and tarpaulin, this bag effectively protects ropes from abrasion and shear forces. Thanks to the zipper design, the RAPUNZEL BAG can be used either as a mat or as a sleeve. Four fabric loops and four strong magnets offer multiple attachment options to various surfaces, including metal structures like containers. When used as a gear bag, the RAPUNZEL BAG can be loaded and accessed from both sides.
- Extension of the set possible with RAPUNZEL BAG
- Kit can be expanded to additionally include a RAPUNZEL TUBINO and KIWI carabiner
- Protects ropes from abrasion and shear loading
- Simple conversion to enable lowering
- PLEASE NOTE: This is special tactical gear: not PPE; exclusively for the armed forces and law enforcement agencies
- TACTICAL RAP LINE PROTECT PRO 6MM rope made from polyamide and aramid with enhanced cut resistance
- Various mounting options thanks to loops and magnets
- Very durable blend of Hypalon and tarpaulin
- Webbing made of robust, durable polyester
- Jalkineet ja tarvikkeet
- Juomaratkaisut
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- Markkinointi ja merkkaus
- Muut ulkoilmavarusteet
- Nukkuminen ja matkailu
- Putoamissuojaus ja kiipeily
- Ankkurointi
- Asennustarvikkeet
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- Koulutus
- Käsineet, köysityö
- Köydet, sport
- Köydet, työ ja laskeutuminen
- Köysisuojat
- Laskeutumislaitteet
- Liitosköydet
- Nousutarraimet, jalkalenkit
- Paarit ja pelastusvaljaat
- Pelastuslaitteet
- Putoamisen pys. köysitarraimet
- Putoamissuojainpakkaukset
- Sulkurenkaat, kiinnittimet
- Taljapyörät
- Tarvikenarut
- Tarvikkeet, sport
- Valjaat, sport
- Valjaat, työ
- Ylläpito ja merkkaus
- Päähineet, työ
- Reput ja kassit
- Riippumatot
- Ruokailu
- Sauvat
- Silmiensuojaimet
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