Supreme Mil CC HB.Nexus TP120 musta
Lisää karttaan samaa tuotemerkkiä myyvät jälleenmyyjät
Tuotteelle ei ole suomenkielistä tuotetekstiä. Englanninkielinen tuoteteksti:
The Supreme MIL CC level dependent headsets are equipped with a noise cancelling boom microphone and a heavy duty down lead. The headset provides high noise reduction yet with a slim design. By wearing Supreme MIL CC headsets you can communicate effectively and safe as well as hearing commands and instructions without removing the hearing protector, even when weapons may be fired.
Main features:
- Slim cups to fit both left hand and right hand shooters
- High amplification and natural sound reproduction without chopping and cutting out
- Waterproof boom microphone with flexible boom arm (160 mm long)
- Heavy duty down lead (410 mm long) with a waterproof Nexus (TP120) connector for connection with Push-To-Talk
- Waterproof battery compartment
- Waterproof microphones for surround hearing and optimum sound direction location
- Battery save function, low battery warning (40), auto shutdown (4h), battery life time 600h
- Sound level limitation, max 82 dB(A)
- Two loud speakers in each cup, one for surround hearing and one for radio/communication. Radio/communication works even when batteries are out.
- Electronics completely covered by a polymer to be fully waterproof
- Additional RFI protection
- Applicable tests made in accordance to MIL standards MIL-STD-810g and EMC-MIL-STD-461G.
- Weight 394 g
- NRR = 21. SNR = 26. H = 26. M = 24. L = 18.
Available also with ARC rail application.
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