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Red Chili Mystix snow
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Tuotteelle ei ole suomenkielistä tuotetekstiä. Englanninkielinen tuoteteksti:
After a long development period, we would like to introduce a new member to our high-end range, developed together in close cooperation with our top athletes. The MYSTIX is a high-end climbing shoe with a powerful downturn for steep to extreme overhanging routes in the climbing gym and at the crag. Built on an aggressive and pointed last, the shoe allows very precise footwork on vertical and overhanging terrain. It offers great support on small edges while remaining flexible enough to impress in modern bouldering gyms which often possess many large volumes and slopers.
In order to achieve these properties, the MYSTIX features a midsole which was specially developed using CAD Software. In addition, the strong downturn optimally supports the foot muscles in steep terrain. The crossed Velcro strap closure system permits individual adjustment with one quick pull. The MYSTIX is quick to take on and off without compromising on performance. In order to achieve even more feeling when stepping onto a hold, the toe area has been designed to be particularly soft. Additionally, the shoe features an extra sensitive Vibram XS Grip sole (4.0 mm). The toe area is made partially from leather, so that this part adjusts even more to the individual toe shape.
- Aurinkolasit
- Jalkineet ja tarvikkeet
- Juomaratkaisut
- Kuulosuojaimet
- Kypärät
- Lumikengät
- Markkinointi ja merkkaus
- Muut ulkoilmavarusteet
- Nukkuminen ja matkailu
- Putoamissuojaus ja kiipeily
- Ankkurointi
- Asennustarvikkeet
- Boulderointipatjat
- Elämyspuistotuotteet
- Jääkiipeily
- Kalliovarmistukset
- Kantolaitteet
- Käsineet, köysityö
- Köydet, sport
- Köydet, työ ja laskeutuminen
- Köysisuojat
- Laskeutumislaitteet
- Liitosköydet
- Lumiturvallisuus
- Magnesium ja mankkapussit
- Nousutarraimet, jalkalenkit
- Otteet
- Pelastuslaitteet
- Sulkurenkaat, kiinnittimet
- Taljapyörät
- Tarvikenarut
- Tarvikkeet, sport
- Valjaat, sport
- Ylläpito ja merkkaus
- Päähineet, sport
- Päähineet, työ
- Reput ja kassit
- Riippumatot
- Ruokailu
- Sauvat
- Silmiensuojaimet
- Sukat
- Uinti
- Vaatteet
- Aclima - DesignWool
- Aclima - Doublewool
- Aclima - Fleecewool
- Aclima - FlexWool
- Aclima - Hotwool
- Aclima - Lars Monsen
- Aclima - Leisurewool
- Aclima - Lightwool
- Aclima - ReBorn
- Aclima - StreamWool
- Aclima - Warmwool
- Aclima - WoolNet
- Aclima - WoolTerry
- Aclima - Woolshell
- Asusteet
- Edelrid - Housut
- Edelrid - Hupparit
- Edelrid - Shortsit
- Edelrid - T-paidat
- Edelrid - Topit
- Housut - Kalvolla
- Takit - Kalvolla
- Takit - Untuva
- Vaatteiden hoito
- Valaisimet
- Veitset ja kirveet