Olet täällä
Revolt jäähakku 50cm
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Tuotteelle ei ole suomenkielistä tuotetekstiä. Englanninkielinen tuoteteksti:
The REVOLT is a technical ice tool for ski mountaineering and mountaineering in technically demanding, steep terrain. It is characterized by its ultralight weightand compact size. The ergonomically shaped head has a 4 mm pick that has been specially designed for technical ice climbing. It is shorter and slimmer thanclassic waterfall and mixed picks, and combines maximum stability and efficiency with a light weight and a small pack size. The large cut-out on the pick isdesigned to effortlessly hold even large carabiners. The slightly curved, anodized aluminum shaft has an ergonomic shape and a sandblasted finish to make iteasy to hold. The ridges in the lower section of the shaft offer even greater grip while the finger rest supplied helps users hold the pick effortlessly. The spike-liketip with a carabiner opening features an integrated cap to prevent the penetration of snow. The REVOLT is compatible with all technical attachments forEDELRID ice tools and can therefore be tailored to the widest range of conditions and areas of use.
Finger rest and Allen key included in the scope of delivery
All EDELRID ice axes plus the REVOLT and RIOT have the same shaft profile for compatibility with the finger rest (modularity)
Aluminum shaft for a very low overall weight
Compact size thanks to the short length
Cut-outs for carabiners in the head and at the end of the shaft
Shaft with a spike-like ‘tip’ in the lower section and an integrated cap to prevent the penetration of snow
Technical information
EN 13089 Typ 1
- Aurinkolasit
- Jalkineet ja tarvikkeet
- Juomaratkaisut
- Kuulosuojaimet
- Kypärät
- Lumikengät
- Markkinointi ja merkkaus
- Muut ulkoilmavarusteet
- Nukkuminen ja matkailu
- Putoamissuojaus ja kiipeily
- Ankkurointi
- Asennustarvikkeet
- Boulderointipatjat
- Elämyspuistotuotteet
- Jääkiipeily
- Kalliovarmistukset
- Kantolaitteet
- Käsineet, köysityö
- Köydet, sport
- Köydet, työ ja laskeutuminen
- Köysisuojat
- Laskeutumislaitteet
- Liitosköydet
- Lumiturvallisuus
- Magnesium ja mankkapussit
- Nousutarraimet, jalkalenkit
- Otteet
- Pelastuslaitteet
- Sulkurenkaat, kiinnittimet
- Taljapyörät
- Tarvikenarut
- Tarvikkeet, sport
- Valjaat, sport
- Valjaat, työ
- Ylläpito ja merkkaus
- Päähineet, sport
- Päähineet, työ
- Reput ja kassit
- Riippumatot
- Ruokailu
- Sauvat
- Silmiensuojaimet
- Sukat
- Uinti
- Vaatteet
- Aclima - DesignWool
- Aclima - Doublewool
- Aclima - Fleecewool
- Aclima - FlexWool
- Aclima - Hotwool
- Aclima - Lars Monsen
- Aclima - Leisurewool
- Aclima - Lightwool
- Aclima - ReBorn
- Aclima - StreamWool
- Aclima - Warmwool
- Aclima - WoolNet
- Aclima - WoolTerry
- Aclima - Woolshell
- Asusteet
- Edelrid - Housut
- Edelrid - Hupparit
- Edelrid - Shortsit
- Edelrid - T-paidat
- Edelrid - Topit
- Housut - Kalvolla
- Takit - Kalvolla
- Takit - Untuva
- Vaatteiden hoito
- Valaisimet
- Veitset ja kirveet